Accueil » Catalogue » Enseignants » Normand Cholette

Éducation :
- M.A. études bibliques (Trinity Western)
- Diplôme en théologie (IBQ)
- Certificat de programme d’études militaires professionnels
- Diplôme en informatique
C’est depuis 1992 que cet enseignant nous fait bénéficier de ses connaissances à l’Institut Biblique du Québec. Ses champs d’intérêts et spécialisation sont en études bibliques (vétérotestamentaires) et l’intervention pastorale (aumônerie) spécialisée dans l’environnement militaire et du Ministère de la Défense nationale. Normand est ministre licencié et ordonné avec les Assemblées de la Pentecôte du Canada depuis 1989 et aumônier depuis 2001 à titre d’officier des Forces Armées canadiennes pour le Ministère de la Défense Nationale.
Normand Cholette is a lecturer/teacher with IBQ /CBQ since 1991. He has
graduated from several Theological Seminaries and Universities and then, obtained the following degrees, such as: Diploma in Theology with Collège Biblique Québec (Québec, 1987); General Bible Courses with Liberty University (Lynchburg Virginia, USA, 1991); Certificate in Religious
Sciences with University of Montreal (Montreal, 1993); Master of Arts in Biblical Studies with Trinity Western University (Langley B.C., 2001).
He is a Minister with the PAOC for over 32 years. He has pastored several churches in Quebec and in Vancouver B.C. He is currently serving as Chaplain with the Canadian Armed Forces for the last 18 years, where he became specialised in Spiritual Cares and Pastoral Crisis Intervention. He
was deployed in Afghanistan with OP Athena – Kabul 2004 & with OP Athena – Kandahar 2009;
he was posted at the Supreme Headquarter Allied Powers Europe – NATO in Belgium (2015-18), providing pastoral and spiritual cares all over Europe to the Canadian Armed forces members and to their families. He is currently the Senior Chaplain at the 5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group in Valcartier Qc (2018).
Normand is specialised in biblical studies, particularly with Pentateuchal and veterotestamentary studies. The topic of his thesis was « The history of Redaction of the Genesis Flood in partnership with Narrative Reconsidered – Genesis 6-9. He is passionate with biblical history, anthropology and
archeology. He was privileged to visit more than 32 countries, visiting world renowned museums, temples and sacred shrines of several cultures, archeological sites and many more UNESCO World Heritage Monuments.